Popular Articles

  1. View Death Benefit Function

    On the structured Income planning page you can view death benefits for insurance policies. Below is a step-by-step guideline to view the death benefit for an insurance policy. Step 1: Edit: Click on the green edit button underneath the Struc...
  2. Creating a Target Income that Exceeds the RMDs

    On the Structured Income Planning page, you can add a column to display Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and set a target income that surpasses this amount. Below are the step-by-step guidelines for creating a target income that exceeds the R...
  3. Limit Inflation in Old Age function for a Target Income

    On the Structured Income Planning page, under the 'Add Target' function, there is an option to set a cap on inflation adjustments for older clients. Below are the step-by-step guidelines for limiting inflation in old age. Step 1: Edit: Click o...
  4. View Comparison Function

    On the structured income planning page, you can view hypothetical series of returns based on the total amount of assets someone has started out with. This function is available through the display options. Below is a step-by-step guideline for vie...
  5. Adding a Pension into the Structured Income Plan to An Existing Plan if the Client is in Retirement

    From the Client Dashboard within the Income page there is a way to add a pension into the structured income plan to an existing plan if the client is already retired. Below are the step-by-step guidelines for adding a pension from the Incomes page...
  6. Deactivating a Case

    From the client information page, you have a capability of deactivating a case. Below is the step-by-step guideline for deactivating a case starting from the login page. Step 1: Log In: Log into SIPS. Step 2: Welcome Page: To navigat...
  7. Entering in Your Company Contact Information into SIPS

    You can access the preference page through the settings button. On the preference page you can update your password, enter your email address, and provide your company’s contact information. The company's contact information that you have provide...
  8. Uploading A Logo

    On the preferences page you can upload a logo. The logo will be displayed in the upper left-hand side of your screen. Once uploaded it will be displayed on all the pages in SIPS and it will be included in the final report. After uploading a logo i...
  9. Annuitizing an Account

    An option to withdrawal money from an account is through the process of annuitizing an account .   Within the Structured Income Planning page, you can create your own annuitization plan for the accounts. Below are the step-by-step instruction...
  10. Annual Fixed Savings

    On the structured income planning page, you have the ability to show deposits or withdrawals from the accounts on the structured income plan. There are multiple ways to do these functions. Below is a step-by-step guide for depositing and/or withd...