Account and Income Groups and Group Setup

Within the Display Options within the structured income planning page, you can edit account and incomes into different groups. Below is a step-by-step guide for editing the account and incomes groups.


Step 1: Edit: Click on the green Edit button underneath the Structured Income Planning sub-heading.

Step 2: Display Options: Click on the green Display Option button underneath the Structured Income Planning sub-heading.

Step 3: Group Setup Accounts: Under the Title section delete default name and type in whichever titles you would like to use.

Step 4: Color Selection Accounts: Click on the green Sel button next to the color of the title to select which color you would like the group title to be.

Step 5: Group Setup Incomes: Under the Title section delete default name and type in whichever title you would like to use.

Step 6: Color Selection Incomes:  Click on the green Sel button next to the color of the title to select which color you would like the group title to be.

Step 7: Reset Title/Colors: To reset the titles and colors click on the green Reset Title/Colors box located in the lower lefthand side of the table.

Step 8: Copy Setup to All Scenarios: To replicate the group setup to all scenarios, click on the green Copy Setup to All Scenarios button located on the righthand side of the table.

Step 9: Account and Income Grouping Accounts: Click on the radio buttion for which group you would like the accounts to be under.

Step 10: Account and Income Grouping Incomes:  Click on the radio buttion for which group you would like the incomes to be under.

Step 11: Reset: To reset the Account and Income Group, click on the green reset button located in the lefthand side of the box. The radio buttons will go back to the default setting.

Step 12: Return with Grouping: Click on the green Return with Group button to return back to the Structured Income Plan.

Step 13: Structured Income Planning Page: New title row should appear on the structured income planning page along with the color that you have selected.

Step 14: Compressing the Groupings: To group all the columns together and get the total monetary amount, click on the diagonal carrot arrow located in the upper lefthand side of the row title.

Step 15: Structured Income Planning Page: The accounts column should be combined into one showing the total monetary amounts. The incomes columns should be combined into one showing the total monetary amounts.

Step 16: Decompressing the Groupings: Double click on the diagonal carrot arrow located in the upper righthand row for the accounts and incomes. This will decompress the grouping.

Step 17: Saving the Structured Income Planning Scenario: Click the green Save button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.

Step 18: Edit: If you need to make an edit to the structured income plan click on the green edit button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.

Step 19: Cancel: If you need to go back to the previous page, click on the green Cancel button underneath the Structured Income Planning subheading.

Step 20: Logout: To sign out of SIPS, click on the Sign Out heading that is located in the upper right-hand side of the screen.

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