Editing the Initial Plan Date in a SIPS Plan

Within your SIPS plan, you can edit your initial plan date. If you change your initial plan date to be more than one year old than the revision date, the older years will be grayed out in your SIPS plan. The grayed-out years are stating that those years are over and the plan is moving to the next current year. The numbers that are in the columns on the Structured Income Planning Page represent the values at the end of each respective year. In the display options if you switch the view to plans years instead of calendar years the years that are in the past will stay grayed out since they are no longer current. Below are the step by step instructions for editing your initial plan date.

For more getting started articles about the Structured Income plan, please see:

Step 1: Case Selection: Double click on the case you would like to open up.

    Step 2: Edit: Click on the green edit button underneath the Client Information heading.

    Step 3: Initial Plan Date: Delete the date that is entered and enter in a new initial plan date.

    Step 4: Save: Click on the green save button underneath the Client Information heading.

    Step 5: Structured Income Planning: Click on the Structured Income Planning subheading button.

    Step 6: Scenario: Select a scenario you would like to be looking at.

    Step 7: Initial Plan Date: The initial plan date should automatically reflect the back date you have entered.

    Step 8: Grayed Out Years: The year that are grayed out in the SIPS plan are the years that have already passed.

    Step 9: Values at the End of the Year: The numbers reflected in the columns are the values at the end of the year.

    Step 10: Edit: Click on the green edit button underneath the Structured Income Planning Heading.

    Step 11: Display Options: Click on the green display option button underneath the Structured Income Planning Heading.

    Step 12: View Plan Years: Click on the green View Plan Years button in the column display option box.

    Step 13: Structured Income Plan: The Display years will automatically be switched to whichever option you have selected.

    If you feel you need more support or would like to set up demo time with one of our representatives, please contact us at: +1-888-449-6917 or support@planscout.com